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12 First-author papers with total citations: 801 ​ (Link to NASA  ADS search)

110 Papers with total citations: 11777  (Link to NASA ADS search)

Selected Publications


  1. “UNIT project: Universe N-body simulations for the Investigation of Theoretical models from galaxy surveys”, by Chuang et al., Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 487, Issue 1, p.48-59 (2018)

  2. “Linear redshift space distortions for cosmic voids based on galaxies in redshift space”, by Chuang et al., Physical Review D, Volume 95, Issue 6, id.063528 (2017)

  3. “The Clustering of Galaxies in the Completed SDSS-III Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey: single-probe measurements from DR12 galaxy clustering -- towards an accurate model”, by Chuang et al., Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 471, Issue 2, p.2370-2390 (2017)

  4. “nIFTy Cosmology: Galaxy/halo mock catalogue comparison project on clustering statistics”, by Chuang et al., Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 452, Issue 1, p.686-700 (2015)

  5. “EZmocks: extending the Zel’dovich approximation to generate mock galaxy catalogues with accurate clustering statistics ”, by Chuang et al., Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 446, Issue 3, p.2621-2628 (2015)

  6. “Measurements of H(z) and DA(z) from the Two-Dimensional Two-Point Correlation Function of Sloan Digital Sky Survey Luminous Red Galaxies”, by Chia-Hsun Chuang, Yun Wang, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 426, Issue 1, pp. 226-236 (2012)

  7. “Inhomogeneity-induced cosmic acceleration in a dust Universe”, by Chia-Hsun Chuang, Je-An Gu, W-Y. P. Hwang, Class. Quantum Grav. 25, 175001 (2008)

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